The ritual ritual

To perform this ritual, you must grab the following items:
* Multiple candles
* Salt to protect from spooky demons
* A mirror of any size
* A knife
* A piece of paper
* Lots of matches
* A wooden door
* Knowledge of 5 different languages
Set up the candles in a pentagram formation and then put salt around the formation you have made, then complete the pentagram by using the blood from your arteries (pierce your arteries with the knife to complete the pentagram). Afterwards, you need to write your full name on a piece of paper, and then put it near a wooden door. At exactly midnight, you are to light a match and then burn the mirror 22 times (you can just leave a small black mark, or burn the whole mirror. DO NOT LET THE PENTAGRAM FORMATION GET BURNED). This must all be done before 12:01 AM.
Next, you are to sit in the middle of the pentagram formation, and you are to chant the following words: "I SUMMON YOU" approximately 784 times in 5 different languages that you must speak fluently, and then run out of the circle as FAST AS YOU CAN. This must be done BEFORE 6:66 AM.
At 6:66 AM, a man wearing nothing but rituals will rise from the circle. He will have hyper-realistic eyes and there will be hyper-realistic blood pouring from all parts of his body. You have to run from him until 6:66 AM of the next day.
Check for red flags: If your arteries keep bleeding until 6:66 AM, ABORT THE RITUAL. If you have knowledge of 4 or less or 6 or more languages, ABORT THE RITUAL. If the candles go out, ABORT THE RITUAL. If the mirror cannot be burned, ABORT THE RITUAL. If one of these happen, there is no need to worry, you'll just need to leave your house for the next 3 and a half years.
Now, if you have successfully summoned the Ritual man, you will run from him until 6:66 AM the next day. If he touches you, a spooky skeleton will pop out. If you successfully run from him until 6:66 AM, then you will have good luck for the next few days if the mirror was new, but for the next few years if the mirror was old because you made all the negative energy in the mirror PURE ENERGY.